24 July 2005

American Vacation - Day 2

Picked up Jarrell at the Nashville Airport and we headed out in pursuit of coffee prior to hitting the road. After a very greasy breakfast of Ms. Winners Chicken Biscuits and a look at the map we headed West. First stop today was in Union City, TN to visit with Aunt Sue (Dad’s mom’s sister). She was looking great and as sharp as ever. She even was keeping up with Tour De France and Lance Armstrong. We did a quick stop by the cemetery to see Ginny and Phebie (grandparents) and then it was off towards S. Louis. Had a nice meal at Smelwell’s BBQ that consisted of “real” homemade food including the toasted white bread and chunks of pork. We made it to St. Louis pretty quick and had a great time there. It started with a tour of the Anheuser-Busch Brewery (the new Bud with Caffeine was too sweet for me, but the Select and World Lager were both very good) and then on to the Arch. There is a big museum underground where you get on these egg shaped pods to go to the top. I never realized the arch is made out of stainless steel or that it is as wide as it is tall. The view from the top was really nice and you could even see the baseball stadium. Then we went and grabbed a couple tickets to the Cardinals/Cubs game. It was a really good game – even for a non-baseball guy. The Cubs almost pulled it out with the bases loaded in the 10th inning, but they left them stranded. Bottom of the 11th the Cardinals started out with a Triple and a Suicide Squeeze won the game for them. Even with the loss we had a Jumbo Dog/Beer so it was worth it. After sweating for most of the day all we wanted now was a hotel room with AC. We drove west to get out of town and found ourselves an okay hotel. Sure it was midnight and there were still multiple people in line, but after wading through the family reunions and some really weird people dressed in renaissance/trekky/animal costumes (this group looked like something you would see on HBO late at night…) we had a bed to sleep in. Overall a pretty good day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I saw great video of you trying to get down the tree. Is that what they teach you in the Navy?!
It sounds like you two had a great time!