20 September 2005


The theme of the week is rumors and turmoil. As I have mentioned before, the unit that is replacing us is located in Gulfport, MS and had a bunch of personnel that were hit hard. Well, the unit Commanding Officer asked his boss for a week delay so they could give the troops time to relocate families, coordinate repairs/insurance, or generally just get things ready to go. This request has turned into higher headquarters requesting multiple courses of action to analyze and make the correct decision. I won’t give you all the drama (or editorial that goes with it), but we are now looking at one of three options: (1) No Delay, (2) Two Week Delay, or (3) Four Week Delay. This information has gotten back to Homeport (Port Hueneme, CA) and the rumors started flying. We have heard them all – staying until after Christmas, being relieved by someone else, getting relieved and then sending us to Gulfport. Bottom line, we do not know the plan. We expected it last week, but now are keeping our fingers crossed for a decision soon. I won’t be able to discuss dates, but will let everyone know the rough timeframe as soon as I know.

It has been an extremely tough week for the Iraqi people. The insurgents have increased their attacks as the Elections are getting closer and we do not expect it to slow up until after the middle of October. There have been many Improvised Explosive Devices (IED’s), Vehicle Borne Improvised Explosive Devices (VBIED’s), and substantial numbers of Suicide Bombers (SB’s) over the week. We are as safe as we can be and limit any travel outside the bases to absolutely essential so there should be nothing to cause increased worry for my troops, but definitely for the Soldiers/Marines that are patrolling the streets every day or night.

Stayed up to watch the Tennessee-Florida game. It was on at 0400 Sunday morning and definitely worth watching. It would have been nice to have won the game (we had the chances, but essentially handed them the game), but I am still glad that I could watch it. Mom sent me an inflatable Smokey Dog that comes out on Game Days. He sits on my Quarterdeck, which is the main area that people come to check-in or out, pass on Maintenance Requests and coordinate communications. Needless to say, there have been some funny looks, but it is worth it.

This has kind of been a downer posting, but I have some good stuff coming. Check back later in the week for an update on a couple things that have happened or are being planned. I am going to need everyone’s support with one of them and I think everyone will be able to relate to it. BUT you will have to wait and see.

Hope all is well and think of everyone all the time.


Anonymous said...

You forgot to mention that the inflatable Smokey is over 5 ft tall. LSU is the next game and the Vols are already sweating it. Wish you could come join us and 106,000+ screaming Vol fans (most dressed in orange)at Neyland stadium for the next home game.

Anonymous said...

It is good to know that somebody is looking out for the Seabees in Gulfport, even if your homecoming is delayed. And hopefully they won't sustain more damage this week with Rita.