01 October 2005

Clouds, Rain, and under 100 Degrees

NOTE - Due to computer problems, this was not posted when written. Last weeks news, but more this weekend. There will be some heavy gripping due to air transportation, but you have to wait for it.

This week had the normal highs and lows with some good information at the end of the week. I borrowed a camera this morning so I really just want to show pictures of some “Life in Iraq” pictures. I can’t show a whole lot of work pictures for OPSEC (Operational Security) purposes, but day to day stuff is fine. Senior Chief and I are heading out again this weekend for another 4-5 day trip. And best of all, we now have approved windows for getting home. I am going to defer from putting the specific information on the blog, but I will be back in California before Thanksgiving. It is still over a month extension, but at least we now have a finish line to run towards. The troops are doing better and still making the customers happy.

The temperatures are continuing to drop and we stayed in the 90s all week. At night it is getting in the 60s which feels cold. By the time we leave it will probably be in the 40s at night (if not a little lower). Quite the change in weather. One day last week, I was walking around and all of a sudden I noticed CLOUDS. Big, puffy, white clouds. The first ones I have seen since I landed here and it was so nice. Of course later that night we had rain for the first time and it was just a tease of what is to come. The sand/soil that is here is talc-like, but when it gets wet it turns to slop. I can already see that things are going to get messy.

Pictures above are my tiny wooden office and Senior Chiefs fireplace that he built. Below is some Christmas trees we started making as a joke (we were going to be stuck here until Christmas) and then turned in to a Relay for Life fundraiser.

Special thanks to all the support and treats I have received. Opening up a package and seeing a taste of home makes the week all worthwhile. Think of everyone often and can’t wait to see you.

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