23 October 2005

Warrior Transition

It is starting to get a little chilly at night. Nothing too much, but enough where you think about wearing a sweatshirt. This was a very good week with a large group of my unit leaving for home. Senior Chief and I were in Kuwait for a couple days assisting with “Warrior Transition” which is a couple day period of decompression. It is an opportunity to give the troops information on Homeport (Port Hueneme) such as the daily routine, uniform guidance, holiday periods, etc., but mostly an opportunity to give Medical/Chaplain support for those that may need it and provide resources for dealing with reunion with loved ones, relationship issues, stress, responsible drinking, and general “going from a combat environment to home” stuff. It went fairly well and had some good feedback from people on things we can improve upon with our next group. It is tricky because you have Active and Reservist, Married and Single, and Details that had very different situations. It was a juggling act to give the correct information in the correct amount of time.

It was a bittersweet experience. On one hand, I am so glad to have troops out of harms way and home with their families, but on the other hand it is hard to see troops take off and know that others are still working and in danger. I will just be glad to get everyone home.

Things will continue to get busier and busier as we prepare for turnover with our relieving unit. We still don’t know exactly when it will be, but it is getting close to being around the corner. Still have not decided what to dress up as for Halloween. I am thinking either an “Army Guy” or a “runner” since my options are my uniform or my PT gear. I hope everyone is doing well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In lieu of a political comment, I'll just say that we are all proud of the work the Seabees are doing over there.

Just remember that your family and friends love and support you, and we look forward to your safe return home.