06 November 2005


How can it possibly be November? Time just seems to be flying in one sense and standing still in another. Flying when I realize the college football season is two thirds of the way through and I have only watched one game. Probably good this year seeing how the Vols are just continuing in to the toilet. Fire Sanders!!! Flying in the sense that Jarrell sent out some pictures of fall in Cleveland and the leaves looked beautiful. I am so dulled to color nowdays that the yellows literally jumped out of my computer. Flying in the sense that it is a race to see if I can find a place to live after getting home and before going to Cleveland for Thanksgiving. Standing still when I think of the how short of a time I have here and realize how much is still to be done. Standing still when the days go so slow as I am waiting for my relief. Standing still when I go to the Galley and eat EXACTLY the same thing as yesterday, and the day before, and the day before.

We had a visit this past week by the Regimental Commodore. The layman’s definition of that is the boss of my Battalion. The way it works is there is a Regiment on the East and West coasts that each control four Seabee Battalions. We are working for the East Coast Regiment right now. The Commodore is the Commander of the unit like my Commanding Officer is in charge of this unit. It turns out that the Commodore was my Executive Officer when I was an Ensign a long time ago. We had a good time joking about things back then and overall the visit went very well. He had a couple of minor things he wanted us to look at, but overall no major concerns. There is another visit coming up, but it is right after I leave.

My Commanding Officer (CO) is coming back out here to see the great work the Bees have done and ride home with us. I am excited to show off the work of the troops and have him hear what our customers have to say about us. For some reason though, I feel there is a black cloud following with him. I don’t know why, but I just have an uneasy feeling about his visit. Hopefully it is nothing.

Special Congratulations to Melanie from Key West who got married last night. I was supposed to be there and am really disappointed that I missed it. I am sure she looked absolutely beautiful. I wish her and Kurt the best of luck for the future. I will be there to see you soon.


Anonymous said...

Fall has hit Knoxville too and Westland Drive is beautiful right now. The oranges and reds are vivid with the yellows a close third.
Speaking of Orange - the Vols just might loss the next three. It is as if they have given up.

Hurry HOME!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

hey bud,
We'll have some different food waiting for you at Turkey Day. See you soon.

Anonymous said...

Dave, although I have not posted any comments I have been reading your blog regularly. Mel's wedding was perfect in every sense except that we all missed having you there. Me especially since I was the only single and stag person in attendance. Glad to know you are coming home soon. Please continue to be safe.
