It has been a busy week of trying to get settled in Kuwait. Our flight left out of California around lunchtime last Sunday and we had a brutal two plus day excursion to get here. The biggest delay was in Europe when they had to change out some small piece on the plane. The fix was only thirty minutes, but the travel time to go get the part was 5-6 hours. The delay resulted in us landing in the middle of the night and by the time we checked in, split up into different groups and got to our final camps it was later morning. All of us were beat, but I made myself stick it out until that night. The jet lag has not been too bad except in the late afternoons. I find myself falling into a fog and fighting to keep my eyes open. Hopefully after about another week that will go away. The turnover has been very smooth and the unit we are replacing was well prepared for our arrival. We are almost done and the other unit is ready to head out of here. All we are waiting for is the last group to arrive from California and we working full speed ahead.
The basic mission we have this time is to support the Army in Kuwait. There is a potential for missions up north, but none currently scheduled. We also have groups in Africa, Europe, Cuba, Bahamas, and Peru. Needless to say we are spread thin and it will be a challenge to keep track of everything. I will be traveling to each location twice over the course of deployment and maybe even three times depending on what is going on. I look forward to getting out and seeing the great things all our troops are doing. That is probably the best thing about my job. I get to see what we are tasked to do, see it constructed, and be able to tell the troops good job.
I have stumbled across a bunch of people that were in a unit I worked for about ten years ago. It is hard to believe they have grown up so much (and I have to). That is about it for now.
By the way - it is really hot!!
Whew! 120 degrees? It's good to read you're keeping safe and sane over there...despite the heat and jet lag.
It makes Key West seem down right cool! Take care of yourself!
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