Happy New Year!!! The week has been hectic with trying to take a little bit of down time and appreciate the holidays while also keeping things headed in the right direction. For Christmas we started the day with a frigid 5K race (XO wond second in her age group and ENS Heather Hess won third in her age group with her fastest 5K yet-see picture).

After a quick breakfast, I spent some time at the gym and then the Wardroom got together for a noon lunch. The food was pretty tasty (not quite as good as Thanksgiving) and I had ample portions of mashed potatoes, stuffing, and mac/cheese. And don’t forget the chance to eat more desserts than normal. We finished the day with a gift swap. Here are some pictures from the day.

Our Dentist jumping on his new mini-tramp.

The group again.

Our XO stole the "Man Candy Calendar.
The Chaplain was tipping back a couple of non-alcoholic frosty beverages.
New Years will be somewhat subdued. The chapel is doing a campfire tonight which should be fun and anytime I get to sleep in is a huge bonus. We are starting to focus on deployment back home which is always a nice thing to do.
I would really like to thank everyone for supporting the troops and I over here. The cards, gifts, and prayers are more appreciated than I can tell you and it makes being deployed that much easier. I only hope I have the chance to reciprocate down the road. As we look into the New Year, I am hoping for a more peaceful year, progress in the Middle East, and an opportunity to get re-connected with friends and family. Thanks again.
Happy Birthday! Stanley celebrated your birthday with puppy ice cream. Yes, they really do make such a thing.
Have a great birthday/New Year's Eve and a peaceful new year. Looking forward to seeing you when you return!
Amy and I wish you the best out there. Cold wave, huh? First it's the heat, then the cold. Never happy! Just kidding. One of the happiest guys I know. Good to know you are still running out there. Send me a line when you get a chance.
- Walter
Oh, and happy new year to you and the rest out there!
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