Ahh Thanksgiving. Nothing like a day to eat way too much and feel like you are a marshmallow for hours only to find the inner fortitude to eat more for dinner. I think I must have eaten at
least three deserts over the course of the day. Overall the week has been tough for some reason, but Thanksgiving Day was a nice break. It started with the Camp Turkey Trot 5K at 6:00 am. This was a tough call for all of us since it a day we were able to sleep in, but a small group of the Officers got up and braved the cold to go run. It was chilly enough to need a toboggan, gloves, and a sweatshirt. The sunrise picture is of the finish line right after I completed the race. Our Executive Office is a running machine and she was the third place female which made her day. After the run, we went to the Dining Facility (DFAC) for a small breakfast before the massive lunch. I checked email real quick and then a couple of us finished off “LOST” Season 2.
All the Officer’s met for lunch and after waiting in line for almost an hour we were treated to a wonderful feast with all the standards – Turkey, ham, mashed potatoes, stuffing, green beans, etc. It was really nice just to sit and enjoy everyone’s company for a while. After lunch we all went back to the Wardroom and watched a movie. Not too excited about “Nacho Libre”, but still enjoyable down time. The group picture is the whole gang in the Wardroom. Caught up a little on some personal stuff and then it was dinner time. I did squeeze in a workout somewhere around the face stuffing. All in all, it was a good day with my surrogate family. We have a very cohesive Wardroom and made the most of the day.

David- You were missed at our Thanksgiving table but your spirit was very much present. Stories were told about the funny things you, Jarrell, and Jimbo did -from golf cart rides to Psycho "shower scenes".
Our family has been very blessed.
Hi Dave,
I'm a friend of your Mom's. She sent your blog address to several of her 'girlfriends', so you may be getting some *unusual* mail from a group of 'mature' ladies!!!
Anyway, we think your Mom is so cool! She has the greatest sense of humor and is so fun-loving --- always ready at the drop of a hat for a new adventure.
I read your blog about Thanksgiving. Sounds like you had plenty of good food and good company. Of course that doesn't take the place of home and family.
Our group of four plan to meet at Club Le Conte Monday morning for breakfast. I'm sure that you will be part of the conversation. Your Mom is pretty crazy about you.
Enough for now! Hope you have a good week. We have you in our prayers.
Sandra Fugate
PS I'm not sure I'm doing this correctly. This is my first blog. Would you care to tell me if you receive it?
Got your comment. Thanks. Will look forward to "Unusual" mail. If it is anything like what my Mom sends, I can only imagine
Ross told me about your blog and I've read some of it. I'm very proud of what you're doing and thankful you've been safe. Our two boys - who are 10 and 7, if you can believe it - (and we) are praying for you just about every night. Robert is glad to know that you are "staying up to speed on your core military skills" so the bad guys won't get you :) We would love to see you when you're in Knoxville.
Dave: I'm glad to hear you had a good Thanksgiving. Melanie, Maggie and I went to Knoxville and thought of you. 'Nacho LIbre' is a little odd but I guess it depends on your state of mind at the time of viewing. I think some of the characters in that movie had their own 'operation caterpillar' going on. Take care.
David, GOOD MORNING! HI! I am another one of your Mom's friends. We first met in Bible Study Fellowhip over 4 years ago and the rest is history! I cherish her friendship and sisterhood in Christ.
As you know, she has shared your blog with us. BLOG??? Wow - awesome - I do not know anything about a Blog! Isn't is amazing we can instantly communicate so many miles apart! I look forward to meeting you soon.
I have enjoyed reading your blog and viewing the pics! Thanks for insight into your home away from home.
David, my heart and soul truly appreciates what you and others are sacrificing in the name of FREEDOM. I will keep you in my prayers.
Barbara Slover
Still Crazy After All These Years!
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