This past week focused on Military Skills refresher training for all the Kuwait Detail sites. The focus was on key topics and things which we can’t do in Homport. There are a bunch of training ranges throughout Kuwait so we were able to consolidate all the Seabees and do a couple days of great training. There were multiple sessions that everyone rotated through including Enhanced Small Arms Training, Shoot and Move Training, Squad Tactics, Terrain Models, Patrol Orders, and Battlefield Medical Training. Things went very well and the response from the troops was very positive. It was some early mornings since we were on the range before the sun came up, but it was worth it. Everyone needed the break from the day to day operations of the Battalion and it is always a good refresher on our core military skills.
A couple pictures again. First one is LTJG Chris Archer,
LTJG Matt Saavedra, LT Mike Obeirne, and LT Jason Streem. Chris is the Material Liaison Officer who is responsible for procuring all our construction materials as well as maintaining our Central Tool Room. Matt is one of our Supply Officers and he is currently running the Logistics Cell for our Higher Headquarters in support of Seabee forces in this region. Mike is currently our Equipment Officer and soon will be down in the Horn of Africa as the Officer in Charge of the Detail there. Jason is our Battalion Dentist. He is relatively new to the unit so all this stuff is new and different, but he is willing to try anything and learn our way of doing business.
Other pictures are the Desert Horizon, a recent sandstorm, me and the sunrise, and one of hundreds of camel footprints.
A couple pictures again. First one is LTJG Chris Archer,

Other pictures are the Desert Horizon, a recent sandstorm, me and the sunrise, and one of hundreds of camel footprints.

Kuwait looks a little different than Tennessee. Our leaves are starting to fall (lots and lots of leaves) but they have been brilliant- reds, yellows, and orange. Keep the pictures coming and tell the dentist to protect your teeth - we went to a lot of trouble with braces, etc. for you to have your beautiful smile - a little devilish but still nice.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Wish you were here in Tennessee with us. I hear Camel is new trendy thanksgiving meat - great with grits or stuffing.
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