It was down right cold the other morning. It has continued to get cooler at night, but I was shocked when I left my barracks the other morning and was hit with a blast of cold air. Now realistically it was probably not cold at all, but it was such a change from the daytime that it was shocking. It has been nice to not sweat all the time.
We ran our semi-annual physical fitness test this past week. It consists of stretching, situps, pushups and then a 1.5 mile run. Ben and I have been doing some killer ab workouts lately so the test was not too bad. I always hate the run since it is a dead sprint for me to get a good score. I did fine and got my normal Outstanding. In theory that means I get to have a sleep-in one of these days. I can’t wait.
We had a visit by one of our bosses this past week. It was kind of a surprise so we had to clean up for them quickly, but they were very impressed. The boss could not say enough good things about the unit and the troops that briefed their projects did spectacularly. They really showed off the professionalism that they maintain and I was proud at how well the projects are coming along.
Next week is a couple days of military skills training. It is a mini field exercise to refine our skills. Tons of logistical issues, but should be good training for all of us. Need to remain ready to execute any mission thrown at us.
This week I want to focus on another co-worker. LT Mike Obeirne is my Alfa Compa

ny Commander which translates into the Equipment Officer. His company executes all our earthwork, trenching, roadwork, berm construction, drainage improvements, and project site preparation. They also maintain and account for all our equipment to ensure it is ready for our missions. Mike joined us last January and has done a great job invigorating his troops. He is a Citadel graduate (just like the Commanding Officer), a big time joker, and all around mischief maker. He has recently been selected to go down to the Detail in Horn of Africa to replace the current Officer in Charge and will be missed here in Arifjan. As I have mentioned before, we nominate someone each week and he is usually in the forefront of the nominations. Mike is always ready to head to Vegas or the ski slopes and is already planning multiple trips as soon as we get home. He has been a nice addition to our team.
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